
       The organizing committee has agreed with the journal “European Physical Journal Plus” (EPJ+) to publish a special issue (Focus Point) called “Scientific research in Cultural Heritage ” (following the previous Point on Scientific Research in Conservation Science from the inArt 2018 Parma conference [1]).

       Despite the postponement of the 2020 conference to 2022, the editors of the EPJ+ journal offer us the possibility to maintain the thematic issue in connection with the conference. All authors of abstracts accepted and confirmed in the initial planning of the conference can therefore submit a paper to EPJ+.

       Articles are published as they are accepted on the EPJ+ website in the collection "Focus Point on Scientific Research in Cultural Heritage" [2].


        Every submitted article will be subjected to the usual journal procedure of assessing the required relevance and novelty through peer-review.

         The submissions are performed directly on the European Physical Journal Plus submission system.

         Details to select the proper Focus Point: In step 1 of the submission procedure: "Article Type Selection", it is needed to indicate "Regular Article" (the selection of the FP is done later). In step 5, you have the question "Are you submitting this manuscript following an invitation to contribute to a "focus point"?". By selecting "Yes", the list of FPs appears and you should select "FP: Scientific research in Cultural Heritage" to associate the article with the special issue dedicated to inArt 2020.

         The deadline for paper submission is October 15th, 2020.

         An extension of the deadline has been decided by the organizing committee in order to allow all authors to finalise their paper.

         The new (and final) deadline for paper submission is November 6th, 2020.

         The submission guidelines for EPJ+ are available on the EPJ+ website.


       The guest editors for this special issue are:

 - Danilo Bersani (Università di Parma, Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche e Informatiche, Parma, Italy).

 - Ludovic Bellot-Gurlet (MONARIS, Sorbonne Université/CNRS, Paris, France).

 - Delphine Neff (LAPA, IRAMAT/NIMBE, CEA/CNRS, Gif/Yvette, France).

 - Anne-Solenn Le Hô (C2RMF, Ministère de la Culture, IRCP, PSL/CNRS, Paris, France).

 - Laurianne Robinet (CRC, MNHN/CNRS/Ministère de la Culture, Paris, France).

 - Aurélie Tournié (CRC, MNHN/CNRS/Ministère de la Culture, Paris, France).


[1] Papers published in the Focus Point on Scientific Research in Conservation Science following the inArt 2018 Parma conference are available here.

[2] Papers published from abstracts submitted to the inArt 2020 conference in Paris postponed to 2022 are available here.




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